Have you ever thought about how much sugar you consume and it’s affects on not only you, but your family?

Have you noticed that eating sugar with every meal has become the norm and that we live in a time where there is an abundance of food and yet our children are more undernourished than ever before?

Have you considered that there could be a link between high sugar foods and heart disease, obesity, stroke, diabetes, cancer and increased behaviour and emotional issues that could be associated with the enormous rise of children being diagnosed with ADHD?

Eve Schaub noticed and woke up to the fact that sugar is everywhere and it’s making us fat and sick. She has started a conversation that we all need to hear and will help us to redefine the word ‘treat.’

Eve is the friend down the road sharing her sugarless journey; the pitfalls, challenges and revelations and she implores us to start taking some responsibility for our own nourishment so we can set up our children to make better choices that will support their long term health, and ours. Written in a way that every mom will understand and relate to and all backed up with science.

Reading this book will not only inspire you to look at how much sugar you are eating on a daily basis but will provide you with the tools you need to navigate all it’s pseudonyms while learning to reconnect with the food that you eat and it’s importance in nourishing and caring for our bodies.

In short, Eve has done a brilliant job in doing all the hard work so we don’t have to!


– Tisha Bryant is currently working towards a certification as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist with the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. 

Using nutrition to heal a persistent health issue was the catalyst that spurred Tisha on to become a certified Whole Food Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach. She is a raw food chef and also gained a certificate in counselling in 2005 while living in the UK. She is currently working towards a certification as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist with the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition. 
