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Acadian Turkey á la King

EAT, family meals By September 20, 2023 Tags: , , , , , No Comments

We’re not even going to presume to give you a different Christmas or Thanksgiving turkey recipe than the one your family normally uses, but we will suspect that come Boxing Day, you’ll have a ton of turkey waiting to be ‘remade’ into family-friendly dishes.  (Aren’t you glad we didn’t say leftovers?)  This is a great recipe, and you can substitute tofu or chicken for those who want to avoid the tryptophan-induced sleepiness that comes on after eating turkey.  Here’s our take on Acadian Turkey a la King.

Healthy Winter Meals on a Budget - Safeway

Healthy Winter Meals on a Budget

eat, EAT, family meals, LIVE By February 19, 2016 Tags: , , , , , , , , , 2 Comments

Just over ten years ago I moved from Ontario to British Columbia. In addition to the three hour time change and milder climate, I was baffled that prices could be so different in the two provinces. Fitness studios, manicures and spas are a much better value on the west coast, but life’s staples are considerably more expensive. It’s not just the million dollar teardown homes that blow family budgets, but gas and groceries take a huge dent out of monthly paychecks compared to what the family spent in Ontario.


Thanksgiving Tips from Martha Stewart Weddings Darcy Miller

EAT, holidays By November 21, 2012 Tags: , , , , , , 2 Comments

I have been infatuated with Darcy Miller, Editorial Director of Martha Stewart Weddings from the first time I ever saw a luscious spread in the magazine and was planning my own wedding.  (I drove my wedding planned nuts, BTW. “But in Martha Stewart I saw….”)

We know how important entertaining is in terms of role modelling for your kids.  As a child I remember holiday ‘children’s tables’ that made me feel special and kept me on my best behaviour during special occasions.  So who better than Darcy Miller to demonstrate affordable and easy ways to create a gorgeous Thanksgiving table.

Darcy shares tips and deals with us so that you can create her show-stopping look in your own home.  We’re sure you must already get it in your RSS feeds but in case you want some last-minute tips, here are her ideas on the Martha Stewart Living website.

Happy Thanksgiving, and may your children embrace the memories that they will pass on to their own kids one day.

