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travel kids

What to Do When You Have No Plans for March Break

FAM, kids By March 3, 2016 Tags: , , , , , , , , , 1 Comment

Oops. Registrations are full, and you’re green with envy as your friends get the airbrush tan in preparation to head south.  March Break is here and you kind of forgot to plan anything. Worse? The whole family is feeling burnout from the holidays, school, and our treacherous Canadian winter.  Is a change as good as a rest? We think so. If you’re creative and have a semblance of a plan, you can pull through.  Here are a few ideas.


Kids in the Car

auto, FAM, GEAR, kids By February 1, 2010 Tags: , , No Comments

Are we there yet? Driving on Car Trips with children and babies can test your patience level like almost nothing else. You’ve got crumbs and juice boxes all over the back seat, you can’t find the plug for the DVD player, and if you do one more diaper change in the trunk you will turn the car around and head home. (And it took an hour to pack the trunk).  Breathe. Try to think of it as an experience. Here are the UrbanMommies tips..
