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spotting before period

Spotting Before Your Period – Why?

FAM, pregnancy, self By January 17, 2016 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 393 Comments

Oh dear.  Spotting before your period – what does it mean?  Your period is not due for at least another week, but you have found a little blood or pink or brown discharge that isn’t followed by normal flow bleeding. This is spotting and tends to always lead to your heart skipping a beat.

am i getting my period or am i pregnant?

Am I Getting My Period or Could I Be Pregnant?

FAM, LIVE, nourish, pregnancy By June 5, 2013 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , No Comments

It can sometimes be difficult to tell your period apart from early pregnancy signs. I remember with both pregnancies asking myself “am I getting my period or could I be pregnant?” A lot of women confuse the symptoms with each other. Some of the early signs of pregnancy include: fatigue, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, sore breasts, and headaches. These are just a few of the early pregnancy symptoms. However each woman is different and the pregnancy symptoms may vary.

Early pregnancy symptoms are also similar to those of side effects of getting your period. But how do you tell if you’re pregnant and it’s not just your period? If your period is a few days late I wouldn’t get too worried just yet. While your period can be on time for many years, it can also regulate now and then. If your period is 7 or more days late, you can always try a pregnancy test. It’s usually difficult to even catch a pregnancy with a test at the very early weeks, so if it’s negative your first time and your period still hasn’t come, I would wait a week or so then try the test again. Cramping, hot flashes, headaches, and light spotting can very well just be your period.

Some pregnant women do notice a little light spotting around the time of their period, however you can also experience light spotting during the time of your period even when you are not pregnant. If you have more than a few of these symptoms, I would take a pregnancy test right away.

– Sore breasts
– Fatigue
– Nausea
– Lack of energy
– 5-7 days or later period
– Backaches
– Cramping
– Cravings or food aversions
– Mood swings
– Bloating
– Elevated body temperature
– Sensitivity to smells
– Dizziness or fainting

All of these signs can point to pregnancy.  (We also have some ‘Very Early Pregnancy Signs‘ if you are interested).  If you feel other symptoms such as pelvic or abdominal pain, or lightheadedness, call your practitioner immediately. These can be signs of ectopic pregnancy.


Implantation Pain – is it Normal?

FAM, pregnancy By August 11, 2009 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , 12 Comments

Implantation pain – is it normal? Some women experience some cramping and pain when implantation of the fertilized egg into the lining in the uterine wall occurs (when you are officially pregnant).
