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15 Things You should Pack in your Diaper Bag

GEAR, toys By August 15, 2024 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , 7 Comments

The diaper back is often handbag, toybox and tolietry kit in one.  Sleep-deprived moms often forget to replenish their bags and there is nothing worse than being left in a lurch without diapers or a change of clothes for your baby.  Here’s a checklist of the essential 15 things you should pack in your diaper bag, as well as a few fun surprises.

Homemade Soap

Homemade Holiday Gifts

GEAR, style By November 30, 2020 Tags: , , , 2 Comments

With the economy always at the forefront of our minds, we always try to simplify the holidays in some way.  We’ve put together a list of gift ideas that may keep you hooked even when the world is booming again.

1. Snowman in a Can. Take a clean paint can and paint the outside of it with a snowman scene (or leave it silver with white dot stickers). Put inside: a toque, mittens, buttons, plastic carrot and a scarf. Voila!  You have the finishing touches to your snowman.


10 Pretend Play Ideas for Rainy Days

FAM, kids By October 30, 2020 Tags: , , , , , , , , 9 Comments

Recently, we have been feeling so much pressure to register, to organize play dates, to structure. What about spontaneity?  Learning through play? We have been soliciting ideas for fun, learning-enhancing activities that can be done with little or no cost. Pretend play offers young children a chance to practice skills within their own frame work and rules, letting them set the boundaries. You can always make suggestions if they need it but follow them, not the other way around.

teach your child manners

How to Teach Your Kids Good Manners Every Day

grow, LIVE By September 22, 2020 Tags: , , , 1 Comment

How many of us have been there: busy mass transit situation, your legs are killing you after a long day’s work. No available seats, so you stand, exhausted though you are. Through it all, blissfully oblivious, several teens sit comfortably in their seats, earbuds plugged in, heads bobbing. All while your calves and toes scream for mercy.

tween ready for a cell phone

Is My Tween Ready For A Cell Phone?

FAM, kids By October 7, 2019 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , 5 Comments

My tween wants a cell phone.  Correction, she wants a cell phone that allows her to text, play games online, send emails and lastly, make phone calls. Yesterday, she told me that more and more of the girls in her class (We’re talking 4th grade folks!) are getting cell phones for their 10th birthdays.  She doesn’t want to wait a year.  She wants one now. The question is, is my tween ready for a cell phone?

Dyslexia can be described as a learning disability which prevents a person from reading, writing, spelling and even speaking sometimes.

Dyslexia in Children

FAM, health By April 22, 2016 Tags: , , , , , , 1 Comment

Dyslexia can be described as a learning disability which prevents a person from reading, writing, spelling and even speaking sometimes. It is an impairment that is easy to find in children and it can last throughout the person’s life. The categories of this disability range from mild to severe; the earlier it is treated in a child, the better the results that are obtained. The condition is caused by the brain’s inability to translate or convert images or sensory impulses received from the eyes or ears into useful understandable information or language.

Here are 7 tips to encourage kids to clean their bedrooms, without raising your voice or losing your mind:

7 Ways to Encourage Kids to Clean their Bedrooms

FAM, kids, LIVE, play By April 19, 2016 Tags: , , , , , , , , 2 Comments

You’ve threatened, cajoled – even begged your kids to tidy up.  But it still seems you’re the one facing the ultimatum: either ignore the mess or do it for them.

Here are 7 tips to encourage kids to clean their bedrooms, without raising your voice or losing your mind:


Why I Don’t Go To Church But Celebrate Easter

EAT, holidays By March 21, 2016 Tags: , No Comments

Spring is almost here and I’m excited not just because winter is coming to an end. I’m ready to put away my Christmas wreath and pull out the ceramic bunnies that will decorate my living room for the next month. Yes, Easter is coming soon! My shopping list ready for Easter-themed craft for the kids (paints, wax, eggs, yes, I’m that mom!), and on top of that list are as many chocolate eggs and bunnies as I can get away with without setting a bad example. In fact a few years ago when we lived in a condo building in downtown Calgary I found the kids were missing out on back yard fun but I still managed to organize an indoor Easter egg hunt. Not as fun or challenging as one outdoors would have been but it was the tradition that mattered.


20 Top Pregnancy Essentials

baby, FAM By February 6, 2016 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 5 Comments

So, you’re gonna have a baby? Welcome to a different world, Mama. Your body will be going through some amazing, exciting, gross, hilarious, and unbelievable changes and experiences in the next nine months. Luckily, there are tons of great products and services that will make your pregnancy as smooth and easygoing as possible. Here are 20 of the Top Pregnancy Essentials that no stylish Mommy should be without!
