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15 Things You should Pack in your Diaper Bag

GEAR, toys By August 15, 2024 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , 7 Comments

The diaper back is often handbag, toybox and tolietry kit in one.  Sleep-deprived moms often forget to replenish their bags and there is nothing worse than being left in a lurch without diapers or a change of clothes for your baby.  Here’s a checklist of the essential 15 things you should pack in your diaper bag, as well as a few fun surprises.

potty training tips

Potty Training Guide

baby, FAM By May 15, 2011 Tags: , , , , , , 1 Comment

Are you ready to do the “Potty Training Dance”? Or, maybe the question is: is your toddler ready to do the “Potty Dance”?  There is controversy on every step of potty training, from whether or not to use pull-ups to when your child is ready to start. Everyone has their own advice on how to potty train your child, however it is you, and essentially your child, who will make the decision on when, where and how the potty training process will happen.



baby, FAM By December 14, 2010 Tags: , , , , No Comments

Bedwetting is also known as nocturnal enuresis. This is a common problem in children and it is really a source of great concern for many parents especially when they expect their children to learn potty training and stay dry at night at a very tender age. This condition is quite complex with medical, physiologic, and behavioural causes; and to some extent environmental issues may be all responsible for it. Genetics is also implicated in the cause of this condition in children. Studies have indicated that there is a high chance of a child to bed wet if any of the parents did the same. There is actually no specific reason of cause for this condition in children.


Go Green With gDiapers

baby, FAM By July 22, 2009 Tags: , , , , , , , 4 Comments

>Bye bye perfume, no more chlorine.  Flush them down and your life will be green..  Ok, so maybe not a great ditty, but we haven’t stopped singing since we tried these fabulous diapers.  A mix between cloth and disposables, the inner liner pops out and you can flush it – or get this… stick it in your compost bin to decompose within 3 months and give soil directly back to the earth.  (Add this to our fun list of things to do with kids in the garden).  For those of you who are mortally offended, not only by the landfill factor of using disposable diapers, but by constantly seeing Elmos and princesses on your dear one’s tush, these are the solution.
