Halloween is just a couple of days away! Does your family have their Halloween costumes yet? There is nothing better than having your doorbell ring on Halloween night and opening the door to a family with a themed costume. My family got very busy this year and our kids are into very different things, my daughter wanted a Littlest Pet Shop costume and my son wanted to be Spiderman, but in past years we’ve had lots of fun dressing up as a family.
One year my family dressed up as a Little Red Riding Hood themed costume:

And the year my son was born he and I went as mommy and baby zombie (we took a cue from The Walking Dead)

Since I’m lamenting the fact that my family isn’t dressing up as a theme this year, I decided to hit Pinterest and pull together some fabulous family Halloween costumes.

Peter Pan and the Lost Boys from A Beautiful Mess

Where’s Waldo Family Halloween Costume from The Homes I Have Made

The Avengers Family Halloween Costume

Angry Birds Family Halloween Costume from Sugar Bee Crafts

Star Wars Family Halloween Costume from Under the Sycamore

Mommy and Baby Popcorn Vendor from Blooming Bath

A Christmas Story Family Halloween Costume from Costume Works

Historical Figures Family Halloween Costume (they are Davy Crockett, Albert Einstein, Rosie the Riveter, Wyatt Earp and Amelia Earheart) from Yellow Pears Photography

Mommy’s Pregnancy Cravings Family Halloween Costume

Ratatouille Dad and Baby Family Halloween Costume

Solar System Family Halloween Costume from Martha Stewart
We love it when celebrities get in on the family Halloween costume spirit too!

Canadian boy Jason Priestly as a Canadian Mountie with baby as Uncle Sam

Alyson Hannigan’s family dressed up as a kangaroo family for Halloween complete with baby in a pouch!

Neil Patrick Harris has just about the cutest little family in the world. This Wizard Of Oz family Halloween costume makes us love him even more.
What are you and your family dressing up as for Halloween this year?