Many a newly pregnant woman has several panic attacks when she realizes that pregnancy means changing some habits.  What is safe during pregnancy?  Can I dye my hair? Eat Sushi? What about nail polish fumes and second hand smoke?  And the stress that all of these questions are causing. UrbanMommies has pulled together articles and advice from our medical experts to help you navigate the beautiful months while pregnant.  Breathe, relax, and remember that moderation and instinct should always remain in the equation.  As with anything, your doctor or midwife should be consulted if you are concerned about any issues you are having.

Preparing for Pregnancy – from pre-conception health to implantation, trimester change and giving birth – we don’t seem to ever run out of questions that need to be clarified – especially surrounding what is safe during pregnancy.

Research is constantly developing and we try to update this particular article and the ones below that are affected as we see new data emerge. We cover the basics, but other questions about alternative medicines, prescription drugs or bacterias or viruses found in countries other than where you live are best answered by a health care professional.

As always, you can email us if you have any other questions and we will find an answer for you.  Good luck and keep glowing!

What is it safe during pregnancy?

Sushi: Sushi During Pregnancy
Hair Dye: Dying your Hair When Pregnant
Nail Polish: Nail Polish Fumes and Pregnancy
Foods To Avoid: What Foods Should I Avoid During Pregnancy?
Illness: Colds and Flu During Pregnancy
Alcohol: Drinking Alcohol while Planning to get Pregnant
Overheating: Overheating During Pregnancy
Water Intake: How much Water should I consume While Pregnant?
Weight Gain: How Much Weight Should I Gain During Pregnancy?
Jogging and Pregnancy: Can I Run During Pregnancy?
Dieting while Pregnant: Is it Safe to Diet During Pregnancy?
Exercise and Pregnancy: Exercise During the 2nd Trimester
Is it safe to lie on your back while pregnant?: Lying on your Back while Pregnant
Acne and Pregnancy: Dealing with Pregnancy Acne
Pregnant and constipated – how to deal: Consitpation and Pregnancy

