As part of the McDonald’s All-Access Moms program, four Mom writers across Canada have been given the opportunity to see McDonald’s from behind the scenes.  September brings wooly sweaters and harvest season and I am now off to Grand Falls, New Brunswick to visit both a potato farm and the McCain french fry processing facility.  Born and raised in Halifax, the Maritimes are in my blood, and being back on the east coast is such a breath of fresh air.  There is a simplicity and an innocence that permeates the culture.  It will be so exciting to see these qualities juxtoposed against the huge corporation that purchases the french fries.  I can’t wait to don rubber boots and meet the farmers.  I can’t wait to ask gardening questions!  (My potatoes grow no bigger than a golf ball..)  I encourage you all to comment and ask as many questions as you can.

I started reading ‘Food Inc.’ and will be watching the film prior to my trip.  I feel that as an All-Access Mom I have a responsibility to educate myself about all facets of food production.  I don’t know if the potatoes are engineered and I am so excited to learn and discuss the issues.  Is there anything you are confused about?  Curious to ask?  Please let me know!

Photo: Hunter
