eavesdropping-podcastUrbanMommies is joining the Golden Age of podcasting.

UrbanMommies Publisher Jill Amery has conversations with the most influential moms and celebrated experts in the world. These are conversations worth eavesdropping on. (And you don’t need your bionic Mom playground hearing for this one).

Jennifer English, Gracie Allen Award Winner, James Beard Award recipient and founder of the Food & Wine Radio network has entered into a strategic partnership with UrbanMommies to launch the Urban Mommies Network. 

Welcome to our podcast playground – click on Eavesdropping below to be taken to the podcasts.

image1 Urban Mommies Founder Jill Amery has her “Bionic Mom Ear” picking up news and helpful information. She is sifting out the crap from the credible, calling in and sharing it in these daily playground chat sessions.
