If you suspect you have a case of thrush, you should see your doctor for their profession opinion, advice and
Tandem nursing allows you to nurse both babies at the same time, one on each breast. Nursing two babies simultaneously has several benefits.
You often hear about the benefits of breastfeeding for the baby, but there are also many benefits for the mother:
Don’t underestimate the importance of lactation consultants and don’t leave the hospital until you feel comfortable breastfeeding!
Growing up, we swear we won’t be like our parents. We tell ourselves we’ll never raise our kids doing the same things they did to us. Then, when we have kids, we justify everything we do saying “Well I did that growing up and I turned out okay.” So I guess our upbringing wasn’t all that bad. Sometimes we go to our parents for advice on how to raise our own babies—other times, we tell them to butt out or follow our rules. I propose that moms and dads need to go easy on our parents. For one thing, we should be pretty grateful that they’re around to experience this with us —and also because, while this may not be their first time on the parent merry-go-round, the grandparent one is just as perplexing. They’re learning the ropes, just like we are, so let’s cut them some slack!
Before babies there was a partnership in which you and your partner were both nurtured and each other’s top priority. Once the babies arrive you may find that they are the only ones getting nurtured! This is a pitfall that is difficult to avoid. There are going to be sacrifices that you and your partner are both going to have to make that you won’t expect. Some advice: recognize that this will probably be the case for several months and try to help each other as much as possible. Your new bond is that of “team parent” and this can strengthen your relationship in ways you can’t foresee. It’s something to go on when you don’t seem to have any time for each other in the first few months. Try to keep your sense of humour intact and everything should be fine.
This book is a friendly, funny question-and-answer format compares people to animals. The perfect vehicle for introducing children to experiences they will soon encounter in real life. All animals have daddies, but not all animals need their daddies after birth. This book tells you about animals who don’t need parents after birth and those who do.
Labour is progressing faster now and contractions are occurring in definite patterns. This is the time to go the place where you are giving birth.