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Sun and Moon

Pokémon Sun and Moon: Tips to Catch ’em all

GEAR, tech, toys By December 9, 2016 No Comments

Recently I attended the Pokémon Sun and Moon launch event here in Toronto. This year is the 20th anniversary of Pokémon. Did that make you feel old? Thankfully I had my next generation Pokémon fan with me to talk me through the games.

In case you’ve been living under a rock this year, Pokémon saw a huge resurgence with the wildly popular PokémonGo. While that game has pulled in the masses, the true fans have been wait for the launch of Pokémon Sun and Moon games for the Nintendo 3DS.


2016 Holiday Gift Guide

GEAR, toys By November 22, 2016 1 Comment

It’s here! We have now released our 2016 holiday gift guide in order to give you our curated ideas for each member of your precious family. It took a lot of hours and much crowd-sourcing (and we loved every minute). This year we have 16 guides and a little something for everyone. Feel free to click through at the bottom of each section, as every guide will appear there so you can pick and choose what you’d like to see. We wish you the merriest of Christmases, the happiest of Hanukkahs and the best Kwanzaa ever. Have a peaceful, joyful season and make every memory with your kids count. xx

STEM Toy Gift Ideas


GEAR, toys By November 21, 2016 4 Comments

STEM toys are all the rage – as they should be. STEM – for science, technology, engineering and math can be experienced at very early ages, and the universe is answering – with tons of toys that can help kids develop these skills at any stage. Here are our picks for STEM Toys this year.


Top Toys for 2016

GEAR, toys By November 17, 2016 2 Comments

It’s almost Black Friday and we didn’t want you to miss any deals on these Top Toys for 2016! We’ve tested them all, and my sons are officially attached to Snuggles the Dream Puppy. I went to put him in a suitcase to transport him to a TV station for a toy segment, and my son had a conniption, thinking he’d suffocate! Our gift guides are next, but here’s a sneak peek at a few of our top picks for kids this holiday season.


On Force Friday, this is the droid you’re looking for

GEAR, tech, toys By September 14, 2016 No Comments

Raise your hand if you’re a Star Wars fan, married to a Star Wars fan or raising a Star Wars fan. If your hand is up, you probably know that Force Friday is the day when all the new Star Wars toys, gadgets, and gizmos are released for the holiday season.

Last year, Sphero took the world by storm with their BB-8 droid. This little robot toy rolled it’s way into the hearts of kids, leading tech writers and regular old Star Wars-loving moms like me. This year, it’s even better. I had the chance to attend a special sneak peek of Sphero’s lineup for Force Friday and it does not disappoint.


Power Up the Imagination

GEAR, tech, toys By August 9, 2016 74 Comments

We’re in the home-stretch of summer and my kids are getting fidgety. I don’t want them constantly watching TV or allowing them to morph into screen zombies, and yet their creativity is waning. Sending them outside on bug hunts, creating forts and harvesting their gardens has come and gone. We all know how crucial toys, games and play are for a child’s development, but sometimes we all run out of ideas. Thankfully we found a way to power up the imagination!

VEX robotic arm

No Summer Vexation Here

GEAR, tech, toys By July 19, 2016 No Comments

The summer boredom had set in, and the kids were driving me batty. “Can we have screens? Mama, can you take us to X,Y, or Z? Can I do something dangerous?” And then the Vex arrived. Hexbugs have always been a hit in our house, and now the company has innovated for older kids (and parents!). Exclusively from HEXBUG comes the VEX Robotic Arm – a completely functional construction kit inspired by real industrial robot arms.

Just like dad, captured and printed on HP Envy

Give Dad the Gift of Good Times, with the HP Envy 7640

FAM, home, kids, tech, toys By May 17, 2016 No Comments

Still riding the feels from a wonderful Mother’s day, I am full swing into getting ready for Father’s day! Gifting Moms is a piece of cake compared to the monumental task of finding or *gasp* making something with the kids that their dad will actually, a) recognize as an actual thing, and b) like enough to actually put into circulation. This is no small endeavour, and should never be taken lightly because, come on, ladies, a super fab father’s day gift raises the bar for next year’s Mother’s Day, amirite?
