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Conception Preparation

Conception Preparation

FAM, pregnancy By November 1, 2008 Tags: , , , 3 Comments

Hoping to win at Baby Roulette? Before you and your partner toss the birth control in the trash and embark on any serious babymaking efforts, you’ve got some important decisions to make. The choices you make right now are every bit as important to your future baby’s health and well-being as the decisions you make after the pregnancy test comes back positive. Here are ten steps you should plan to take in the year prior to conception.


Montessori Method of Schooling

FAM, kids By July 8, 2008 Tags: , , , , , 10 Comments

The Montessori method is an educational method for children, based on theories of child development originated by Italian educator Maria Montessori in the late 19th and early 20th century. It is applied primarily in preschool and elementary school settings, though some Montessori high schools exist.


BC’s 20 Most Popular Names

baby, FAM By February 26, 2008 Tags: , , No Comments

For all you interested parents, British Columbia creates an annual list of baby names to help identify current trends that may assist you in choosing a name for your baby. These lists are compiled each year from birth registrations, with names given five or more times.  This one was from 2006.  Check back often for updates, and be sure to see our unique baby names as well.

1.  Ethan
2.  Jacob
3.  Matthew
4.  Joshua
5.  Nathan
6.  Liam
7.  Benjamin
8.  Ryan
9.  Logan
10. Daniel
11. Alexander
12. Noah
13. Lucas
14. James
15. William
16. Owen
17. Nicholas
18. Samuel
19. Tyler
20. Jack
1.  Emma
2.  Emily
3.  Ava
4.  Olivia
5.  Hannah
6.  Sarah
7.  Sophia
8.  Ella
9.  Isabella
10. Madison
11. Grace
12. Chloe
13. Abigail
14. Samantha
15. Taylor
16. Brooklyn
17. Maya
18. Sophie
19. Julia
20. Lauren



How Not To Feel Guilty

baby, FAM By November 10, 2007 No Comments

In the early days, having twins is basically about trying to keep the crying down as much as possible. If one’s quiet and the other is crying, obviously you are going to be soothing the noisy one. When the other one starts up and the one you’re holding is still crying, pack your bags you’re going on a guilt trip! Of course you are the one who taking yourself on this ride. How is any one human supposed to calm crying babies simultaneously? Or what if you are inadvertently giving one more attention than the other?
