It happens a million times a day, it seems: the kids say things that make you feel like cheerfully jumping off a bridge…or, even worse, pushing them off that bridge! Kids seem to innately know how to push your buttons, and they do it with great joy and exceeding frequency. No matter how satisfying it may seem in thought to retort sarcastically or to spontaneously burst into flame from annoyance in a screaming rage, there are better and more constructive ways to deal with it. Here are some tips for dealing with the nasty things kids say…without a temper tantrum on your part.
If you’re a mom and plan on having more kids eventually—but not right now then birth control for moms is an issue you need to think about.
Not every birth control method is for everyone, and even if you have a method you like best, it might not be the best thing for you at certain times! Although the ultimate decision should be made with your physician’s input and guidance, here are some helpful hints on choosing birth control that’s right for you and the stage your life is at right now.
We asked Moms on our Facebook Fan page and Twitter about the cutest mispronunciations their children have uttered. And we had to share the results. It should brighten your day.
1. ‘gra-noculars’ instead of ‘binoculars’.
2. yew nork!
3. pah-sketti!
4. “Oak” meal. (Oatmeal)
5. Cheh-pet (instead of ketchup).
6. kershamol (commercial)
7. Mr ghetti (spaghetti)
8. minished! instead of finished. i still say it even though he’s outgrown it.
9. i used to say “missmiss” [for christmas] – 35 years later + my dad still teases me about it
10. Guacamonkey!
11. ”Can we go to Ole McDonald’s?”
12. Wook (look)
13. Tim Horton hears a who!
14. Poorhead (instead of forehead)
15. Flus-sh*#. She meant flush it.
16. There are so many funny ones I just can’t remember them all… hambulance = ambulance. My favourite is listening to the wrong/mixed up lyrics in the car. It kills me everytime!
17. Furnace…..actually means Thermos. Mummy can I have soup in my furnace tomorrow?
18. The funniest I’ve heard was from a little one I used to babysit, he used to say he liked to eat crap, instead of crab. Lol.
19. dumb shit = drumstick….we even have it recorded
20. Beegurt (yogurt) I want some beeegurt!
21. Exact-a-dentally for accidentally. He’s 6 and still says it. I know I’ll miss it when it’s gone.
22. I’m not hungry, just drinky!
23. hunormous
24. ‘bafuter’ for computer
25. My son used to call pit bulls “pimples” as in “Look Mommy, there’s a pimple dog!”
Feel free to add your own in the comments section. See? Parenting is SO worth it!!!
If you’re tired of keeping up with the Joneses, tossing all of those paper plates, and goody bags filled with sugary snacks and useless stuff, read on. We like sustainability, budget-friendliness, unique ideas, and healthy parties – for mind, body, and the environment. So we asked our community for some interesting birthday party ideas that have been a smash hit in their house. In the meantime, try these ideas on your kids and you’ll be the talk of the town…
Interesting Birthday Party Ideas on a Budget
1. The Telus World of Science offers new, exciting and unique birthday party packages for children of all ages. Pre-booked parties include a zany Science World host, exploration time in the many galleries and exhibits and a decorated private party room. Themed packages include a Preschool Package, Science Surprise Package, Insects Package and Chemistry Package. There’s limited space so be sure to book early. Visit their website for more information on the great parties Science World has to offer!
2. Green Planet Parties supplies compostable dishes (that look stylish enough for a wedding). Also check their cloth goody bags, reusable, sewn ‘Happy Birthday’ banners, and personalized endangered animal necklaces for the kids. Order online, and look like a hero – both for the cool factor, and also for saving the environment.
3. Get those kids active with a party at Jump Gymnastics. The tots leave with balloons, get a fab lesson in tumbling, and the cake can be gobbled up while sitting on colourful stools in the party room.
4. Dora bags are fun and all, but why not grab a reusable shopping bag (the Vancouver Aquarium has great ones) to stash the gifts?
5. Know any interesting university students or professors? Hire one for an hour to add spice to the party. The marine biology major could talk about crabs at your beach bash, or the bug or dinosaur guy could do their thing. (Think Ross on Friends – wouldn’t you like to have him at your party?)
6. Plant a garden with the kids from the party, give seeds as favours, and treat the parents to a talk from a landscape designer.
7. Use frames as your giveaway, and do an art party. Frame the little Picassos at the end, and other parents will be so thrilled to have a hang-able piece of art!
8. Homeworks Etc. has great hooks that are ‘in the raw’. You can paint them at the party, take them home, and voila – a great place for your bathrobe!
9. Instead of gifts, hold a Giving Party. Ask for some money and split the total between your child and a charity. This will stimulate conversation about why little Aidan doesn’t have a wrapped present, and get them discussing the tigers. Green Planet Parties has some great wording on their website with how to ask for the donations.
See also our One Year Old Birthday Party article.
Every single one of us as mothers has our own unique style. Perhaps it’s not something you every really thought about, and it shouldn’t be something you allow to define you, but Socrates was a smart man when he said, “Know thyself!” As smart, chic Urban Mommies, we should know ourselves better, and so treasure the beautiful parts of our styles—and work on the parts that aren’t so beautiful! Finding your mommy style is easy.
Miscarriage, premature delivery, stillbirth, brain abnormalities and low IQ are some of the complications that may affect an unborn infant if the mother has untreated thyroid disorder. So, are women at particular risk of developing thyroid disease when they are pregnant?
If certain known risk factors are present, the answer is: Yes. These include a family history of thyroid disease, signs and symptoms of thyroid disease, the presence of goitre, type 1 diabetes, or other autoimmune diseases.
Yet another risk factor is that the mother’s hormone levels may fluctuate during pregnancy. Thyroid disorders include the gland being under-active (hypothyroidism) or over-active (hyperthyroidism).
For the unborn infant, it is vitally important that the mother’s thyroid hormone levels be normal, especially during the first three months of pregnancy.
Here’s why: Thyroid hormones are critically important in the development of the infant’s brain. So thyroid hormones provided by the mother during the first three months of pregnancy are especially important. The infant’s thyroid becomes functional at approximately 12 weeks.
To be sure your thyroid gland is healthy, ask your doctor for a TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) test. This simple quick blood test is the most accurate way to diagnose a thyroid disorder.
Thyroid disorders are among the most common medical conditions in Canada. It is estimated three million Canadians have a thyroid condition – and half may be unaware of it. Hypothyroidism represents the most common thyroid disorder and affects women three times more often than it does men.
For more information: and
Reading to your babies and kids is one of those important things like brushing teeth and eating veggies that can sometimes slip by the wayside (or can give your mother-in-law fodder for more unwanted advice). UrbanMommies loves books (make sure you check our Get Reading section regularly), so we asked a child reading specialist for some helpful tips on making sure your kids are well versed (so to speak) in reading.
I went to a swanky Gastown dinner sponsored by Invisalign Teen. Having never had braces and with toddlers, I had no idea what advances there have been in dentistry. Wow. Headgear? No. Ugly metal train-track things that get bits of food stuck and leave a teenager date-less? Nope. Invisalign are hard see-through cases – trays that you can pop in and out of your mouth that gently maneuver the teeth info proper formation. The biggest benefit in my view relates to self-esteem for teens and adults requiring braces. (Not to mention few diet or sports restrictions.) I won’t go into the amount of therapy I needed after having acne as a teenager, but I was certainly affected by not feeling attractive. Ridiculous but true – especially during the teenage years. Anything that can help teens through this stage of life is such a blessing. A tad more expensive than traditional braces, but they certainly get our vote. Oh – and Moms can certainly benefit too.
With the government constantly cutting back school funding, it is up to parents and communities to raise significant parts of the the budget – particularly where sports, arts and playgrounds are concerned. We interviewed Karey Heard, a mom of two and crackerjack fundraiser from Toronto, to provide us with some ideas. If you can get a great fundraising team together, you can mix traditional fundraising initiatives with out-of-the box ideas. Ultimately, the process will do more than raise money for your child’s school.