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The Oatmeal Breakfast Bar

EAT, snacks By March 20, 2017 No Comments

Raise your hand if you’ve watched a weather report and gone back to bed. Or abandoned plans to leave the house when snow began to fall. Canadian winters can be brutal and many of us fall into the trap of staying inside to avoid the elements. Unfortunately, this can result in more screen time and less memory-making family moments.


Updating Old Diet Habits

EAT, snacks By February 23, 2017 3 Comments

As a little girl I used to have hot chocolate in a china cocoa set from 1860. The ritual and care required so as not to chip the cups etched the experience on my memory. The hot chocolate was the powder kind and on special occasions, it would contain dehydrated mini marshmallows. You could watch the sugar crystals in the powder as they dissolved. Back then a product was a product and nutritional ‘truths’ were a given. Soup, salad and milk were good for you. Candy was bad, and unless potatoes accompanied your meat, it wasn’t a proper dinner. Eating from the four food groups detailed in Canada’s Food Guide and doing some school ‘particip-action’ would keep you fit.

Laughing Cow

Confession: It Really Can Be Easy Being Cheesy

EAT, lunches, snacks By October 17, 2016 No Comments

You’re going to think this is silly, but I have a recurring fantasy about snacking with a cow. I know, this is a seriously cheesy confession, but I have to be honest. For a while now I have been fixated on The Laughing Cow Cheese Dippers.

It all started in the last few days of summer. I innocently packed up a cooler full of snacks to take to our local park. Knowing all the kids would be running through the sprinklers, I skipped sandwiches and chips, loading up instead on fruits, veggies, hummus, and various snack-type cheeses.

Indulgent Key Lime Cheesecake

Indulgent Key Lime Cheesecake Parfait

EAT, snacks By July 27, 2016 1 Comment

This post brought to you by Fibre 1. The content and opinions expressed below are that of UrbanMommies.

Summer should be laissez-faire, easy and fun. Unfortunately, work, kids and life still must go on so finding ease where we can is crucial. My kids have been yelling at me daily for enrolling them in summer school (I told them it was ‘education camp’ but they saw through the ruse quickly). We have had visitors, raced in weekend sailing regattas, gardened, camped and canned blueberries. Canadian summers seem so very short when there is so much to enjoy! The ‘easy’ and ‘fun’ bits need to be strengthened when there are so many activities going on. My motto, despite the packed calendar, has been to make snacks as easy as possible. As well, desserts need to be delicious and easy to prepare for when friends drop by for an impromptu BBQ. 

Netflix StarWars

Star Wars on Netflix – More Options than EVER

EAT, LIVE, play, snacks By July 18, 2016 No Comments

Attention padawan learners and Rey fans everywhere! Fancy seeing more Star Wars on Netflix? Members in Canada are now able to stream Star Wars: The Force Awakens along with the last days of the Galactic Republic with the entire Clone Wars series and feature film. Because it is summer vacation, after all, and there are many, many lessons in Star Wars. (You may want to watch it a few times…).

Winning lunch box wars with Quaker

Finally, A Lunchbox War You Will Win

EAT, lunches, snacks By May 26, 2016 Tags: , , , , No Comments

Take a walk down memory lane with me, won’t you? It’s the end of August (or perhaps July, depending on where you live). The new school year is fast approaching and you are STOKED, my friend. Because, while your summer break was all sorts of wonderful, you and your kids are SO READY to get back to your routine.

Road trip kids snacks

Road Trip with the Kids? Bring these Snacks.

auto, EAT, GEAR, snacks By May 19, 2016 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , 3 Comments

Summer means long family road trips, and also the onset of ‘Are we there yet?’ and ‘I’m HUNGRY!’. Parents can hardly get the car packed and still have time to come up with healthy road trip snack ideas for kids, but we’ve come up with a few cool ideas that gan get you out of a rut. Well, hopefully not a real rut. Maybe driving safety tips will be next…

This super-simple peanut butter jelly fudge recipe makes a great treat at Christmas-time... Or anytime!

Peanut Butter Jelly Fudge

EAT, entertain, holidays, snacks By April 28, 2016 Tags: , , , , , , No Comments

Fudge is a Christmas tradition in my family, my mom or sister always makes it for us to enjoy on Christmas Eve (and for days after!)  I’ve never really made it myself but I recently came across a recipe for Apricot Raspberry Cheesecake Fudge from A Mom’s Take and while it looks amazingly delicious, I’m personally not a big fan of white chocolate or apricots by my little pregnant brain immediately went to: That would be awesome as a Peanut Butter and Jelly fudge!!!

Green smoothie

Matcha Kale Power Smoothie

EAT, snacks By April 26, 2016 No Comments

Smoothies are just plain fun, aren’t they? Fun to make and fun to drink. They’re great for breakfast on-the-go, pre- or post-workout boosts or as a satisfying snack. They are vibrant, cool and creamy. And they are as simple to prepare as this matcha kale power smoothie. While not all smoothies are created equally, it is important to try to pack as much of a nutritious punch as possible when considering what to throw into the blender. Think ‘green’ for the main ingredient: as in a leafy green like spinach or kale or rainbow veggies like beets or carrots. Updated: September 2020


Making Snacks Easy with iögo

baby, EAT, snacks By April 11, 2016 No Comments

Yogurt is a staple in our family – so much so that I often think it must be it’s own food group! While universally accepted as a breakfast or snack choice, I will admit that there have been times when yoghurt became lunch or dinner after the kids begged. When hungry little tummies are growling and moods are rapidly down-spiraling, a few spoonfuls of protein-rich yogurt goes a long way to getting them through until mealtime. We have recently become huge fans of iögo yogurt, and in particular the new large-sized pouches.
