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EAT, snacks By April 24, 2022 8 Comments

It’s always a great idea for your health to take a break from the alcohol, even for a bit. Bartender Bobbi Kay, formerly of  the Fairmont Pacific Rim Vancouver’s Boneta is a mocktail wizard.  If you love the Mojito but desire not to drink alcohol or have a bun in the oven, so to speak… here’s a special recipe.

Chocolate Amaretto Cheesecake

Chocolate Amaretto Cheesecake

holidays By April 21, 2022 No Comments

My Halifax elementary school, Sir Charles Tupper, produced a cookbook and this recipe for Chocolate Amaretto Cheesecake was in it. We still serve it for holidays every year. I remember my mom entertaining, and eating this for breakfast the next day! I don’t think there’s anything more decadent than cheesecake for breakfast. The richness is delicious and satisfying. It’s amazing when you stop to think about how many memories we have that are tied to food! What food holds special memories for you?

Spring Greens with Creamy Vinaigrette

Spring Greens with Creamy Vinaigrette

EAT, family meals By April 16, 2022 1 Comment

A few years back, during a Cityline filming I had the pleasure of re-acquainting with Trish Magwood, Food Network host, creator of Dish Cooking Studio and all-around supermom.  She shared this amazing salad recipe on the show and it is absolutely delicious.  There’s nothing quite like a great spring salad to help celebrate the change in season. You can keep it in the fridge for a few days as well, and add the dressing each time you need a snack. If you time it right you may be able to find flowering pea shoots. They make a beautiful addition to this perfect springtime salad. Serves 6


Allergy-Friendly School Snacks

EAT, lunches By September 7, 2021 80 Comments

This morning I made the school lunches and then opened my son’s backpack only to find a note stating that in addition to nuts, there was a severe allergy in his class that prevents me from packing any food containing cooked or un-cooked eggs. No meatballs, pancake bites, egg-containing breads or pizza dough. I can totally handle the restrictions but I feel so very sorry for all families that must deal with scary allergies. It’s a tough world we live in, and I can’t imagine the level of anxiety the child and parents feel trusting other parents to pack egg-free lunches in order to be safe in the classroom.

easy weeknight butter chicken

Easy Weeknight Butter Chicken

EAT, family meals By August 18, 2021 2 Comments

Most people hear ‘butter chicken’ and want to head to the store to purchase and over-priced sauce that lacks flavour and contains a ton of additives. This doesn’t have to happen. I actually ran a ‘pandemic virtual cooking club’ with a ton of kids, and they created this in less than 30 minutes! If you are looking for an authentic, but easy weeknight butter chicken, this is one to try.

Hand Rolled Meatballs

Hand-Rolled Meatballs with Ruby Red Sauce

EAT, family meals By May 4, 2021 No Comments

When you are cooking with kids, there is such a huge feeling of accomplishment when they learn how to do things from scratch. Even better? When they can get super-dirty doing it! Rolling meatballs by hand is one of life’s greatest thrills. There is so much control over what happens too – tiny, huge. Bake them. Fry them in a pan. A touch of Worcestershire, a dash of spice. Teaching kids to cook creatively are lessons that will last them a lifetime. Meatballs and the creation of a homemade ruby red sauce are great places to begin.

Kid-Made Orecchiette

Kid-Made Orecchiette with Alfredo Sauce

EAT, family meals By May 4, 2021 No Comments

This is the perfect intro to making pasta with your kids. Known as ‘little ear’ pasta, orecchiette looks like cute little cups. Or pig’s ears. It’s mind-boggling to watch children’s faces as you turn a heap of flour on the counter into handmade pasta without the use of a machine! It’s also such a rush to make a water-filled well out of the flour and carefully incorporate the sides without letting the water escape. Making orecchiette and Alfredo sauce with kids is both satisfying and delicious.

French 75 Cocktail

Cinema-Inspired Cocktails for Stay-at-Home Date Nights

EAT, Mommy Mixology By February 19, 2021 Tags: , , , No Comments

There’s no denying the importance of “couple time.” Date night gives you the chance to reconnect with the person you knew before they became the person with whom you co-parent. Time alone together lets you strengthen your commitment, rekindle a romantic spark, and relieve stress. These days, going ‘out’ during lockdowns isn’t really an option for most people. Here are some movie ideas – classics, romances, and comedies – along with specialty cinema-inspired cocktails to enjoy while you snuggle.
