I’ve always just been the girl that had separate pockets of women that I connect with – some far away and some that live close. Some of them are from the workplace, and some are parents from school. More often now, many women I know have a larger circle of online friends. We may not be Snapchat-ting all day like our kids, but these online friends are just a quick text away.
These are the friends that you can ask for advice, share funny jokes with and sometimes commiserate together. These can be equally as important actual BFF’s from long ago – and I know for many busy working women, these little interactions fill the friendship cup just as much as talking on the phone used to do.
And then there are some friends that I am no longer acquainted with. Our lives parted for one reason or another: maybe hurt feelings, misunderstandings, or just that our lives or interests grew apart. Friendships are like marriages – it takes hard work, communication, and a little bit of luck + timing to make it work. Break-ups are hard, because no one likes feeling like they made an enemy. At the same time, usually there is a valid reason for parting ways, and the only thing to do is to move on.
Now that I am in my 40’s, I’ve been through this a few times – regrettably a couple more than I would like. But I’ve learned some valuable lessons along the way. Here are some points to remember if you are trying to survive breaking up with your BFF:
Never regret the fun times you had.
Those bottles of wine you shared, or late night conversations probably made for some great memories. Look back at them fondly, as I’m certain they helped shape who you are today.
Some friendships aren’t meant to last forever.
You friendship served a purpose for a time and then it became obvious that it was time to move on. Go forward in peace – no slandering – as it is really just part of life.
Deleting each other on social media isn’t a slam.
It can be painful to see your former friend’s pictures and good times with their family. Sometimes it’s simply better to make a clean break. Don’t take it too personally.
Your kids/husbands can still be friends.
This can be awkward but I do believe that the other people in our lives can remain friends. My kids have had faded friendships with other kids and yet I have maintained friendships with their mamas. It takes work, but it’s possible.
You will find another bestie and so will they.
You no longer have things in common with your former BFF, but there are plenty of people that you will find camaraderie with. There is probably another partner-in-crime right under your nose. It is just time to have fun with a new friend.
Wish them well and move on. And start taking applications for a new BFF!
Congrats and very well said!
Yes I agree with all that you have wrote!
I wonder if this happens as much with males?!Love your articles and photos!!!!
Great advice for my soon to be teen heading into highschool
Love the article, I’ve had a few of these as well, and over time some friendships have come back around.
I too have encountered this and it is hard. I thought I was alone in this. Nice to know I am not.
In my 40’s I have come to terms with it’s ok to part ways with those who you have nothing in common with anymore. People enter your life for different reasons at different times when you need them.
I am passing this knowledge on to my teenage daughter so she knows it’s ok as her life changes so will her friends.
Thanks for the reassurance that it happens to us all.
This is such a nice post… I went through this when my former friend acted in a dishonest way towards me and was unapologetic about it. It’s nice to know that Some friendships aren’t meant to last forever.
Yes Yes Yes….so needed to be said. We’re never really sure if this is okay….but you just made it okay and real life tips on how to “survive.” Thanks S!
Great post Scarlett! I think everybody struggles with this at some point in their life. I had a friend that was close, but grew slightly distant and I was broken hearted over it because I could’t understand it. Then I realized one of the main connections we had (work) had changed which altered the friendship (as far as quantity of time spent), but I decided to just ride it out and see where it went. We are still friends today, still as close, but just not as “often” which I have come to understand is unavoidable as our lives change, especially with families and spouses. Change is hard to take sometimes!
nice words
I already survived a broke up with my high school bestie. It was a slow progress… you know when you communicate less etc etc and start realize something has changed and gonna end soon. I was trying to repair our relationships but aprox 2200km away from each other isnt very easy and alone almost impossible. Interesting thing is males has less story like this. For example my hubby has lots of friends …best friends from kinder garden…I always very jealous about that 
Great article! I’ve been through this a couple times, and always wondered to myself, “Am I a bad person cause I just sort of dismissed that person from my life” As I got older though I realized…no, some people are not meant to be in your life forever…and if they are no longer a positive part of your life, it’s time to part ways!
It’s never easy but change is a good thing. We grow out of clothing and sometimes we grow out of our current friends! Well said.
Such a great post! I lost my best friend after I had kids. We just drifted apart. I never expected it to happen, but it did. Thankfully, I found 2 other best friends and I love them dearly!
I’m about to move to a new state, and I had been dreading the bff breakup. Thanks for the good advice and reminders!