Got a child who needs a little calm-me-down at bedtime? Here are three great versions of the classic “Warm Milk” for babies and kids. Older kids can make them by themselves (with adult supervision of course).The mint milk is super soothing and refreshing, whereas adding molasses coats a sore throat and provides comfort.

If your little one is having trouble sleeping at night, these are great ways to help calm them. Or you! I find the comfort in a hot drink before bed sets me up for a great night’s sleep as well. Is this scientifically proven? The Sleep Judge did some research and investigation. She found that the tryptophan in milk actually does contribute to better slumber.



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Warm Milk Recipes for Sleep


1/2 tablespoon molasses
3/4 to 1 cup 2% milk

1. Pour molasses into a mug.
2. Heat milk on the stove or in the microwave, but do not boil it.
3. Stir 1 tablespoon of molasses into the milk. Gradually stir in the rest of the milk.
4. Enjoy.

Warm Vanilla Milk

1 cup whole milk
1 tablespoon honey or maple syrupadd more or less to taste
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
pinch nutmeg

  1. Heat milk on the stove.
  2. Turn off the heat and stir in honey or maple syrup.
  3. Pour into mug and top with nutmeg.



1/2 peeled frozen banana
1/3 cup 2% milk

1. Cut banana into pieces and puree in a blender or food processor.
2. Gradually add the milk while blending.
3. Puree the mixture until the banana is smooth and the milk is frothy.
4. Heat on the stove or in the microwave until warm and enjoy.

Mint Milk

1 Peppermint tea bag
3/4-1 cup 2% milk
1 teaspoon sugar or honey

1. Combine ingredients.
2. Heat (on the stove or in the microwave).
3. Remove tea bag and enjoy.

Bedtime Warm Milk Recipes
