Dear Fellow Air Travelers, I’m THAT lady. The one traveling solo. And by solo, I mean without another adult, but with two kids in tow. That’s me, holding up the security line with a five year old who wants to put his backpack on the belt, “By myself!” and a six month old strapped to my chest while attempting to single-handedley fold a stroller. So first, an apology. I’ve been you, the business traveler annoyed because they are trying to make a connection despite kids in your path. You’re anxious to make it to your big meeting, while we’re just excited to get to Grandma’s. So I get your frustration. I really do.
Jennifer Weedon Palazzo is the creator of MomCaveTV,com, an online network of comedy shows for moms including Slummy Mummy, Slacker Mom, Double Leche, Blabbermom, and MomCave LIVE. When she’s not writing about the funny side of being a mom for sites like Scary Mommy and Mamalode, Jennifer can be found eating Reese’s Cups while furiously bidding on vintage clothing on eBay. She splits her time between Manhattan and the Berkshires with her husband, Evan, bandleader of The Hot Sardines and their two kids. Follow her on Twitter @MomCaveTV and visit