Jill Amery
Jill Amery is a mom of 2 small boys and the Publisher of UrbanMommies, a stylish digital lifestyle magazine filled with fitness, style, health, recipes and savvy mom advice to help you through pregnancy, birth, and raising your kids.
Jill Amery is a mom of 2 small boys and the Publisher of UrbanMommies, a stylish digital lifestyle magazine filled with fitness, style, health, recipes and savvy mom advice to help you through pregnancy, birth, and raising your kids.
Q – My baby is 10 months old and doesn’t have teeth yet – should I be worried?
A – This is not a cause for concern. Although the average age for first tooth eruption is 6 months, some children begin teething earlier, around 3 or 4 months, and some later, not until 14 or 15 months.
With meals this good, we certainly won’t say a word. One of the golden rules of pregnancy is to stock your freezer for those first few months. If you’re not the chef-type, or are simply too busy (or ill), you can still check this one off your list. Dinnerworks and Fresh Dish allow you to assemble meals in advance – either in person or have them delivered to your door.
You and your new baby decide to go on your first outing since he was born. You change him, dress him and nurse him before you leave the house. He falls asleep in his car seat on the way there. Perfect! He’s fed, changed and sleeping peacefully.You’re all set to shop and you’re sure you have at least an hour and a half to get your shopping done before he wakes up and is hungry again. A half hour into your shopping he wakes up and you know he’ll be hungry soon. What do you do?
Guilt – that feeling as a parent that hangs over you at times, feeling inadequate and sometimes lost, wondering if you really are the answer to your child’s needs. If somehow you could only find the right parenting book that could show you the way through and provide the answers, because really, something must be terribly wrong if you feel so guilty? Right?
Thanks to all of you who entered our JP Lizzy diaper bag contest, and congratulations to Susan Ryder, who won the draw! We’ve compiled a few of your answers, as the activities while pregnant and with kids are inspiring. We are thrilled to have so many readers who are so in love with life!
One of the hardest parts of being a new parent is the isolation you can feel. Are you doing the right thing? What are other babies like? Do I know my baby’s cues?.. Parent-Child Mother Goose is a phenomenal program offered across Canada that can provide you with insight into your child, give you wonderful rhymes and music to sing, and connect you with other parents.
Costco offers a box of twelve packs of frozen edamame (soybeans). We throw ours in a frying pan without oil or butter. Simply heat through and spice with salt, pepper, or any herbs and spices your kids desire. Squeezing the beans out is fun for the kids, and it may just buy you enough time to make dinner!
In my ‘20s I traveled for 6 weeks through Europe with one backpack that I carried myself. For our week-long honeymoon, my husband and I took one large suitcase between us. Just over 2 years later, my husband, 11-month-old daughter, and I had an overflowing luggage cart that held 2 large suitcases (overweight), 2 stuffed-to-the-brim carry-ons, and a car seat. In hindsight, we should have added our playpen to the pile, since the hotel-issued crib for that trip was pretty wobbly.