I remember the weeks and months after giving birth as being exhausting, doubtful and enchanted. Quite the mish-mash of emotion! Muscle development and attention to myself were the last things on my mind, and yet they should have been front and centre, because other people’s needs fall so much more easily into place when a Mom has inner and outer strength. Having a daily mentor to boost me up without judgment would have been magical! More than that, though, would have been being able to tap into this confidante at any time of day or night, while holding and playing with my baby. I was clearly missing Safe and Strong by Nordic Fit Mama.

Fitness for MomsI always admired the healthy lifestyle espoused in Scandinavia – when I lived in Europe we had a Finnish sauna, and we would go in and then roll in the snow. Now I jump at any chance to incorporate truly effective health tips into my life. Straight from Finland – where over 2,500 new moms have become stronger and healthier – Nordic Fit Mama is now available in Canada!

Recovering from Diastasis Recti

Riina LaaksonenI love when people turn personal challenges into successes. Personal trainer, mom and coach Riina Laaksonen was taken aback after she had two babies quite close together, with the first delivered via c-section. Having been highly fit pre-pregnancy, her posture had changed and she no longer trusted her core. Finding out later that she had developed diastasis recti, a common condition in pregnancy where frontal abdominal muscles separate, she took action.

Emboldened by her own success, she knew she could help others. Riina developed a comprehensive, nurturing 5-week online strengthening program for new moms that can be done on your own time and with your baby nearby. On your phone, tablet, computer. Because busy new moms can’t be pegged down. This flexibility means that people actually complete the exercises.

“After having two of my children very close together, I felt like a stranger in my own body. I have always been active, but after having children, there were many exercises that felt totally different or were not possible to do in the way I had done them before. “

Canadians can grab the Safe and Strong course here (with an early-bird discount (see below)!)

Nordic Fit Mama Course

The Nordic Fit Mama Course

Back pain, urinary incontinence, diastasis recti and many other challenges are so common. Whatever your birth story, the loss of strength, weak pelvic floor muscles are demoralizing. You learn how to test your pelvic floor muscles as well as figure out if your abdominal muscles have separated.

I completed the first two weeks of the course because I wanted to try it out. I was astounded at Riina’s gentle tone and extensive knowledge of the body. Even after one week, my pelvic floor was significantly improved. The structured and progressive exercises were presented in such an encouraging and non-judgemental way. Riina’s training as a coach is woven through the lessons, and after the two weeks I also found that my inner strength had improved. Personal time and being self-considerate were lessons I wish I had been given when my little ones were young!

There are 5 Weeks of Focus:

  1. Pelvic Floor Muscles
  2. Separated Abdominal Muscles
  3. Core, Mobility and Personal Time
  4. Mobility, Posture and being self-considerate
  5. Core Strength and Full body training

How the Safe and Strong Nordic Fit Mama Course Works

Once you sign up for the course, you have full access to the 10-15 minute videos and exercises. There is a daily email reminder so that you don’t forget – and each day can be done with your little one in tow. Miss a day? No worries at all – the content doesn’t disappear, so you can catch up when you are able.

Post baby body fitnessThe best part? (Besides feeling stronger inside and out) is that with their Canadian launch, there is an early bird discount. Until April 15th, the $129 fee is reduced to $93 for Canadian mamas. That’s less than $20 per week, and I bet you’re not headed to the coffee shop every day so you are saving at least that much! (Limited spaces available).

Fix Diastasis RectiIf you have a friend or family member with a newborn, please let them know that Nordic Fit Mama is now in Canada – this would be a perfect gift as well.

Here is where you can snag the course – even if you are 10 years post-partum like I am! Did you get right back into shape after baby? What were your challenges? I’d love to hear!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored campaign with Nordic Fit Mama. All opinions are as always, my own.
