Well, as much as you can say anything about pregnancy is normal.  But implantation pain?  Some women experience some cramping and pain when implantation of the fertilized egg into the lining in the uterine wall occurs (when you are officially pregnant). In other words, when baby begins to put down roots in your womb, it can hurt a little. The pain usually feels similar to menstrual cramping. This is normal, although infrequent, and it is also perfectly normal NOT to feel any pain at implantation.

Your body has to adapt to the new hormone levels it is producing as a result of the pregnancy and your uterus is adjusting to becoming a nest for a growing new human being. This can cause some discomfort as well as some spotting. Pain and/or minor bleeding usually occur about a week after ovulation and should never be severe.

The Implantation Process

What’s happening at this stage is that the fertilized egg has been hanging out in your fallopian tube for about three to four days. It then starts to slowly move down toward the uterus, where it becomes a blastocyst.

Blastocyst: A thin-walled hollow structure in early embryonic development that contains a cluster of cells called the inner cell mass from which the embryo arises. (MedicineNET)

When the blastocyst gets to the uterus, it implants into the uterine lining. This process is known as implantation and can often cause what are called implantation cramps. Usually the implantation happens about 8-12 days following ovulation, so if you are keeping track of your menstrual cycle on a calendar, it would be a bit before your period is due to start.

Pain During Implantation

But as for the question – is implantation pain normal – this is the beginning of a long process of discovering the unique nature of your own body and how it reacts to pregnancy.  Beth Iovinelli, RN, says that if you do have severe pain or if it is accompanied by fever, chills or considerable bleeding, you should see a doctor immediately. The considerable pain could be a result of an ectopic pregnancy (implantation in the fallopian tube and not the uterus) or a completely unrelated illness such as appendicitis or flu. These serious ailments require treatment from a doctor. If you have concerns or questions about your symptoms or anything else involving your pregnancy, it is always best to consult your doctor.

For more information, see our articles on Signs of Implantation and Spotting Before Your Period.

